We have been in Idaho now for 4 years and have loved the
Mormon atmosphere and influence that is here in
Rexburg. However, there are a few things that I just don't get... (I don't mean to offend anyone if you do these things or know someone who does, it's just me that I personally do not understand)
*Bows that are WAY TOO BIG! I have seen numerous baby girls with bows like this and even more websites that sell them (like this one)
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE bows. I love seeing little girls with cute bows in their hair, its adorable. When I grew up I had a bow for every outfit, and if I had a little girl she would always have a bow, but NOT one like this! These bows are just too much! I mean its the same size as her head!!!!! I just don't get it!
* Baby on board stickers... why??? Why is it so important that other people know that you have a baby in your car!? If you live in Rexburg, odds are that you do and that people know it, AND everyone else probably has a baby in their car too, seriously! Or maybe these people think that you'll drive more careful when you see that sign? NO! Who cares?
* For such a small town people here should know the speed limits on every road, street, whatever! Honestly! People here should know that we are to obey the law of the land! I have people pass me all of the time! I want to yell out my window and let them know that the speed limit in a 25 mile zone is 25 MILES!!!!!!!! DUH!
*Another thing with driving is the crosswalk situation. With all the accidents that occur around campus you'd think that people would pay more attention or drive more cautiously near a cross walk. I see people speed past one when they see someone walking through it! I have even had cars behind me honk because I sit and wait for the pedestrian to walk all the way across! It's even worse when you are walking, as soon as you are a foot away they gun it! What if I were to fall! I would be dead! Some people are so careless! The city has had to put up new flashing lights and traffic lights so that people will pay more attention!
These are just some things that I will not miss about Rexburg, but there are so many things that we will miss. Our move will be a bittersweet one...