Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last week!

SO tired!!
Totally passed out! So cute!

We went to see Twilight again! Even better the second time! I'm so jealous of Emily's Team Jacob shirt! I embarrased them at the movie when I screamed for Edward! So fun!

He's getting so big...pretty soon he will be doing it all by himself!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Poor Boy...

We haven't posted in awhile and I thought this was a cute video.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Family Fun!

Josie came to visit this past weekend. It was so nice to see her. Calvin really liked her too! We had dinner on Sunday and played games. It was so fun!

Calvin kept laughing at Logan!
Calvin loved Josie, especially when she fed him!

Anna and Janae made brownies and ate them too!

Logan and Janae were getting pretty mad playing MarioCart...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Susan was nice enough to let us take family pictures wearing all Redskin stuff. (she didn't like the idea at first but she gave in when she saw how cute Cal was)
Calvin finally fits into his Redskin outfit and I got a bunch of new clothes for my birthday.
Cal is ready for a tailgate!!!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Crazy Cal

This is why Calvin passed out in the exer-saucer! He was so crazy today! So much fun!

What a Day!

His Best Friend

You know how they say books are your friend, well for Calvin it's completely true! This is his book from Grammy! He loves to look at the pictures.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Weekend

Calvin is SO STRONG!!!!
My boys playing Nintendo!

Awww...Calvin lost!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bath time

Nick let Calvin sit up in the tub and he was trying to grab the water...too cute!

Friday, November 7, 2008

New book!

Calvin loves his new book! Every time he sees it he cries until I pick it up and read it to him! Thanks Gramps!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Random Tag

Mom tagged me!!! I am suppose to write 6 random non important things about myself. I was going to have Nick help me, but he doesn't want to...

1. I cannot go to sleep without putting chap stick on. I have like three chap sticks under my pillow!

2. I love to watch kid shows and movies! I laugh out loud at Spongebob and yell "oh toddles" when I watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I used to get mad at Madeline when she wouldn't tell Steve where Blue's clues are!!

3. I miss school. I know, I'm a freak. I really love sociology and I had the best teachers. I am sad that I had to rush to finish school. I wish that I had more time to soak it all in.

4. This one is for Rachel: I really wish that I had been born in the 19th century. I secretly want to make Pride and Prejudice dresses and wear them around the house all day! Rachel and I want to go to tour England and wear the dresses while we are there! Can't wait!

5. I'm really picky about my music. I have a 1G i-pod with less than 50 songs on it! I have my favorite bands, but even when they come out with new CD's I have a hard time learning to like the new music. I hate listening to the radio because I only know my favorite songs, nothing new.

6. Whenever I'm having a bad day I watch Disney's Alice in Wonderland and sing out loud to the songs! It's just such a silly movie and it makes me smile!

ummm...I'm supposed to tag 6 people, but a lot of them have already been tagged, so I will tag Rachel and Beth!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Picture Tag

Beth tagged me...I have to post the 4th picture from the 4th folder in my pictures. Here it is...oh my! This is my having fun with Rachel making crafts face!

I tag Rachel, Ashley, and Brittany!

Calvin playing with his feet

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Weekend

He finally fits into his cute!

Brittany invited us to the park, it was a lot more fun than Calvin is portraying in this picture!

Playing with the grass.