Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last week!

SO tired!!
Totally passed out! So cute!

We went to see Twilight again! Even better the second time! I'm so jealous of Emily's Team Jacob shirt! I embarrased them at the movie when I screamed for Edward! So fun!

He's getting so big...pretty soon he will be doing it all by himself!


  1. Calvin is so cute, I love him in that picture of us after Twilight... and no you didn't embarrass us! ;0) I think its hilarious! Maybe we should make ou a team jacob shirt of your own!! ;0)

  2. Wow! Look at him go! And look at you, not getting food all over his face. Very impressive. I'm glad you liked Twilight. I still haven't seen it. My friend's laughed a lot.

  3. i love this boy! he is so cute! i cant wait to see you all again in just a couple weeks!

  4. He is getting soo big!! We need to get together sooon Susan!! It makes me sad that its been so long!! We'll have to talk about Twilight!! We saw it and we really liked it too! :)

  5. Hey Susan! How are you guys? It's wierd not being in the same ward any more. Anyways, I hope you don't mind, but I tracked your blog down! Your baby is so cute!
