Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sleepy Boy

After a long day at school I look forward to coming home and playing with Calvin, but for the past week this is what I have been coming home to! Mom keeps him awake for a few hours and then feeds him and then he just passes out! Mom says that he is just growing, but all he seems to do is SLEEP! but...only during the day...he does his best to keep me awake all night long!


  1. So sweet. He looks like he is growning like a weed. It is a good thing. I promise...I like weeds.

  2. He is so cute! I'm sorry he keeps you up at night, but I'm sure it won't be long until he'll be wanting to play during the day. And then you'll be wishing you had never said this. :)

  3. Love the new Blog design. Youare so creative! Keep the pictures coming!!!

  4. I love how he sleeps with his legs pulled up.
