Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have tried so many times to upload a new video of Harrison crawling, but it won't ever finish! AH! It's so frustrating! But in the meantime...

Harry learned how to "cheese"!
Align Center

Documenting the chubbiness before he crawls it all off... "please excuse the mess, the children are making memories." -quote from pinterest!
I LOVE it when I can take advantage of a nice day outside... can you tell Calvin took advantage of it too?
Harrison LOVES bath time. He loves to stand and watch the water run and he loves to sit up and play.
Back to the quote for a moment. Some days I look at my house after I finally put Harry down for the night and I am disgusted by what I see... a kitchen full of dirty dishes, a table covered in baby food, yogurt cups, and old milk, a basket full of clothes that need to be ironed, a quilt that was forgotten and laid aside for the day... It's pretty discouraging when I see this mess and think to myself, "I'll do it all tomorrow", and then go to bed the next night with a new, very similar mess. However, I have just recently come to the realization that being a stay at home mom with 2 kids is hard. I am not my mother, or my neighbor, or anyone else who can manage multiple kids and keep a clean house. I am Susan. I am doing the best I can. My children are fed, bathed, dressed, entertained, cuddled, disciplined, and put to bed everyday. Sometimes I hardly get time to check my email, take a shower, or sleep, but all of those things are overrated. So, those clothes CAN be ironed tomorrow, and I will sleep through the night next year, but today I am helping my kids make memories and keeping calm so that they those memories can be happy ones.