Monday, January 14, 2008

I love this quote...

I was looking through The Great Gatsby, one of my favorite books, and I came across a quote that I really love:

"Whenever you feel like criticizing any one...just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

It just rememinded me of one of my New Years resolutions which is not judge those around me. I have a big problem with judging people, especially at the beginning of the semester. I have been struggling with this ever since I have been here at BYU-Idaho. When I came here I thought that it was going to be some sort of Utopia where everyone was going to be like me. I thought that everyone would be such good examples to me and that you could just feel the Spirit from everyone. It was such a big eye opener when I realized that it wasn't like that.

This quote just rings so true to me and it makes me so thankful for my parents. I just don't think that they get enough credit for how well they have raised 5 children. I really believe that all the people in the world haven't had the advantages that I have had. Not all of the people here on this campus had parents that pushed them to do their best, but still loved them when they didn't. Not everyone had parents that gave them the love and the guidance that they needed instead of the silly things that they wanted. I just feel like I came across this quote to help me to remember how truly blessed I was and still am because of the advantages that my parents gave me. I hope that I can remember this quote the next time that I want to judge someone.


  1. I need to work on that too love.
    -Your bad example

  2. That is great! Thanks for posting it for all of us to read! I thought that way about Rexburg too, when I came down here. Nice to know I wasn't the only one.

  3. that is a beautiful quote! I LOVE it.
