Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well we have about a week until Calvin is supposed to be here, so we finally finished the his room!

We got one shelf up and as you can see we had some trouble getting the screws to stay in, so this is the one and ONLY shelf that we put up!

Without the other corner shelves we put the old bookcase from the living room in the corner. I think that it looks a lot better than a lone shelf any way!

My mom made the valance with the scraps from the crib bedding. I love it! It ties the whole room together! The quilt on the wall used to be in my room when I was younger, my mother made this one too!

All babies need a night light and a bouncy seat! I never posted any pictures of Calvin's cute bouncer! Thanks Ashley...she helped me pick it out and then she got it for us as a shower gift! Nick found this night light with a baseball cover and we have one with a football cover too!

I can already tell that Nick is going to spoil his little boy...he bought him this bear and the two pillows! They look so cute in the crib!

Now all we need is a baby! Hopefully our next post will have pictures of Calvin!


  1. Ah!! I can't believe you only have a week left! That is so exciting!!! I can't wait until he's here!

  2. Ahhh! Big C is coming! I'm so excited! Shayla had hers this morning! Come on C!

  3. This is so cool! I'm so excited for you! I need to come see you, I will make time. And call me as soon as you can after you have him!

  4. we can't wait to see pictures of Calvin! I can't believe you waited that long to completly finish his room, that would've driven me nuts.

  5. I love all those diapers on the shelf!! i'd say you're ready!!!
