Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ryley and Jackson

Ryley and Jackson came over to play today!

I love it when they come over because it gives me an excuse to watch Disney movies...I never get to watch them with Nick! Ryley brought up their new movie 101 Dalmatians, I was so excited because I hadn't seen for a long time! As soon as Ryley comes in she always asks for a specific blanket to sit on. I brought the blanket out and she made a little bed with the pillows and made Jackson lay down with her! It was so cute!

All of us got restless during the movie and I decided it was time for a treat. I gave Ryley and Jackson a cookie and I pulled out a little bag of Cheetos. When Jackson saw those Cheetos he decided that he didn't want his cookie anymore!

They are so cute! I love those babies so much!


  1. haha that last picture made me laugh out loud. i hope he didn't get orange cheese all over your couch!
    Ryley looks so cute in that first picture, I love it.

  2. Upstairs downstairs all around the town. Love that you guys are so close and you are so good to each other. They clearly love Auntie Susan. I agree with Ash on the couch. Watch Mr cheese fingers!

  3. Ok you need to tell me how to make my blog as cute as yours!! I am blog-retarded and don't know how to add all the cute pictures on the top like you have. Super jealous!!! : )

  4. I'm totally blog-retarded too! It's not that hard though, because if I could do it than anyone can!

  5. how fun to have your nephew and niece so close!!! They're going to want to come visit even more when Calvin finally comes! I love your new layout!
